Thursday, April 22, 2021

Diffusion of Innovations - Emoticons

 How Emojis Became Popular

    Emojis on mobile phones were invented in the year of 1997 but they were not the first emoticon's just the first on a phone that were picture based. This is the year that people started to begin to be pioneers. The emojis were basic and originated on the Japanese mobile phone. It started to be used more and more by Japanese mobile companies because people felt as if they could express emotions without words.

       After it was spread to the U.S. the years between 1997 and 2010 were filled with early adopters. They started to spread due to the fact increasingly emojis were being created and in the year of 2010, Unicode adopted emojis which allowed for more emojis an example being the cat emoji. Then the early majority starts to use it and it spreads everywhere. This is when it is super popular, and people are telling each other all about emojis and how to use them. This is when the late majority of emojis come in. Since everyone is telling their friends and family about how cool and unique, they are, they hop on the trend late. These people are late majority because they are usually the type of people who are not as into technology as others, so it is not as important to them to hop on current trends. Lastly are the laggard's, these people are the ones who do not use emojis. The reasoning can be different for everyone. One reason could be that their phone is not compatible with emojis. Another reason is that the phone could be too old, or they do not even have a phone.                                                                                                                                         

        Personally, I think emojis are more positive than negative because when words are hard to express one can express themself with an emoji. They are also used for fun and are helpful to use at the end of a text, so people do not perceive ones message the wrong way. This new communication technology will continue to grow with added emojis and when more people upgrade their phones to phones that have emoticon capabilities.  


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