Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Eight Values of Free Expression


    Looking at the 8 values of free expression allowed me to understand just how important each and every one of these values is. Reading them led me to realize that the values connect to events that occur in today's society. All 8 are crucial, but two of them stuck out to me the most, those include, 4 and 8. 

The 4th Value of Freedom

    The 4th value is all about the individual and self-fulfillment. This value allows for free speech and helps people become their own person while feeling comfortable enough to do so. The value itself represents human, liberty, and freedom of speech. This value is very prevalent in the United States, especially in the recent years. This past election season we were able to witness firsthand people trying to use freedom of speech to express their ideas. As these protests started off peaceful, they then led to storming the Capital which damaged the Capital while people acted recklessly. These Americans were not practicing their freedom of speech correctly. The peaceful protests turned into riots. As an American we are lucky to be able to speak freely about our personal ideologies, but as soon as one's freedom takes away another person's freedom it is no longer acceptable. Another movement that recently took place was the Black Lives Matter protest. These protests were a mix between peaceful and violent. It is said that 93% of the Black Lives matter protests were peaceful. This fact was found on Time
These protests occurred in all 50 states to promote equality and eradicate white supremacy.  

The 8th Value of Freedom

    The second value of free expression that stuck out to me was the eighth value. It is called protect dissent and embodies the values that the first amendment protects minority views. This value allows people to be able to disagree with the government and even criticize it. This value is necessary to check the governments doing and to ensure they are not abusing their powers. One unpopular view was the view of legalizing same sex marriage. Years ago, even talking about same sex marriage was extremely taboo. People who preferred same sex over the opposite gender were looked at as mentally ill and would be discriminated against. Now today same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states. Forty years ago, this would never have even been a thought that this could be a possibility in the United States. Although now legal, it still faces backlash from people who do not agree with legalizing same sex marriage. This is just one of many stories that have proved minority opinions can become majority opinions. All it takes is time and commitment to advocating for what one believes in. 

Same Sex Marriage

    All eight of the values of free expression are important to keep the United States running efficiently. In my opinion the citizens need to remember their rights and speak peacefully for what they believe in to keep the government in check and less power hungry. Overall, 4 and 8 resonated with me the most and made me realize just how much they relate to events in The United States today. 

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