Wednesday, March 24, 2021

History of The Supreme Court


The Supreme Court is the United States strongest and highest court. To serve on this court is an honor because the decisions made by the appointed justices impact the nation forever. This court has shaped American history and will continue to do so. The Supreme Court interprets the Constitution to ensure Americans' justice.

The Supreme Court

A total of Nine Justices serve on the Supreme Court while they are all appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate. The justices serve for life. The Supreme Court has been used as a replica for courts across the globe. I learned that the Supreme Court still is the most powerful judicial body on the Earth. Being a Supreme Court Justice is an honor and their power rests in public faith and the Constitution.  It is in their hands to uphold the rule of law.

I learned that there have been only over 100 Supreme Court justices. Most of when Supreme Court justices are starting out they feel overwhelmed and stressed because they want to serve their country to the best of their ability. It has been said it takes 3 years to not feel overwhelmed and strange while others said it takes 5. The court is able to take in about 100 cases a year when in reality they receive thousands of cases annually. 

The First Chief Justice

The first chief justice was implemented in the year of 1801 and the promising lawyer goes by the name of John Marshall. This happened right after the event of the Act of Congress was said to be unconstitutional. John Marshall stated "We must never forget it is a Constitution we are expounding". Marshall's leadership led the court to gain public respect. Twenty years pass by and the Case known as Dred Scott V. Sandford is taken on by the Supreme Court and their decision leads to a weakened authority for many years to come. 

What Makes a Supreme Court Justice Job Different

What most people in the United States don't understand is that the judges are unable to go to work each morning and say "Here's a problem we can deal with". A Senator and President is able to do that. The reasoning for this is because they must wait for people to bring the problems into the court. For a case to make it to the Supreme Court the issue has to be a major issue that has raised questions in the nation. 

Overall, the Supreme Court is the highest and most important Court in the United States. The court takes judicial precedence over the other courts in the United States. The Supreme Court does its best job to interpret the Constitution in a timely but effective manner. 

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