Thursday, March 18, 2021

My Top Five Sources of News

 The United States offers countless ways to learn about news. Some are well known, others not so much. As an American we all know news stations carry biases whether we like it or not. CNN and Fox News are known for this. Fox is meant for Republicans and CNN is for Democrats. There are also more neutral news stations or articles that are great for comparing CNN and Fox News.  Personally, I find it best to watch both sides of politics and the neutral side because it makes it easier to figure out what is fact and what is constructed to fit the political parties view. These are the news sources that are my top five sources of information. 

Fox News

One of the channels that I receive my news from is Fox News. Fox News is a Republican news channel. I like to look at this site because I can see the same stories from the Rights view and use CNN which is linked down below to see the left's view. I know that Fox News is biased but I like how they say what they are thinking even if I do or do not agree with what their statement is. This news source is very powerful and has the ability to reach the nation in seconds.

Another channel I look at when trying to obtain information about what is going on in the world and across the country is CNN. I use CNN to compare to Fox News. I previously said both hold bias and are associated with particular political parties, but I think it is crucial to look at both sides of the story. I love seeing how CNN views a situation vs. how Fox does. I personally do not trust either news station because of the bias, but I take the information I receive from both and make up what I think is right or wrong. I find it very entertaining to look at both of the headings for the same story on each new source and see just how different they are. I recommend looking at both sides daily. 

One of my favorite news sites to look at is News Break. I have the app News Break on my phone because it allows me to be caught up in everything that is going on around me locally. When I change locations it will know and tell me what I need to be aware of. An example of this is when I'm in High Point it alerts me of crime, bad weather, updates about coronavirus, political policies and much more. I feel safer having this app because I know what to look out for. One thing I will say is that some sources are not accurate when it comes to politics so I have to check where the information is coming from before believing it. 

The next place where I get my news is Instagram. This app is a social media app that allows people to share anything they want with a picture attached. This allows for free speech. I like using this app to see how my friends and family feel about different political policies and ideologies. I also think it is a great place to post political ideas and get the word out fast because there have been many political movements on Instagram. This app is interesting because fake news is so easily spread nowadays and I find it intriguing that people are willing to believe something so quick without fact checking the sources.

The last source that I look at when viewing the news is The New York Times. This newspaper has been one of the greatest sources of information including during two world wars. They present both National news and world wide news. I know I can trust The New York Times to tell me facts because they come out with stories right when they happen. I think it is not entirely but mostly not biased and people should read it if they are looking for fast information. 

Personally, these 5 sources have become a part of my life and my thoughts because of all the things that happen in the nation and globally. I think it is important to catch up on news and make sure to know what is going on around you. I hope more people start to watch or read more than one newspaper so that they too can have a mostly unbiased opinion. I like to say "Don't let the news make up your mind, create your own thoughts and opinions on an issue".

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