Sunday, April 4, 2021

Is Fake News Censorship Constitutional?

    The First Amendment condones that the government cannot establish a religion nor keep someone from practicing a religion. The First Amendment also allows for freedom of speech and press. To continue, the First Amendment allows for freedom to assemble and freedom to petition. 

    The First Amendment does not condone speech that incites imminent lawless action, fraud, speech that violates intellectual property and more. To continue, censorship is a major issue in the United States and a long going question in the Supreme Court. What type of information is okay to censor if any at all?

Fake News and Censorship

    Found on Google News about The University of Daytona School of Law was a news story . The news story was about if getting rid of fake news by censorship violated the First Amendment. Although fake news is wrong, banning it could be unconstitutional due to the fact that as Americans we are promised to be able to say how we feel and what we think even if it is inaccurate

 University Of Daytona School of Law

    Fake news is put out daily at a crazy high rate, some with the sole purpose to generate higher online advertising revenue,  and some to present false challenges with the example being “Georgia counted thousands of fake votes.” Many more fake news stories are posted for a countless number of reasons. The question of censorship is popular in today's society and whether it is okay for the fake news to be censored is the big question. 


    In my opinion, the First Amendment protects fake news and I do not think that the government should be able to censor it. This is because if they censored fake news it would open up the argument to censor news that certain people did not like and or did not want the public to know about which is unconstitutional. Although fake news is wrong in every way, I do not think it is plausible to censor it. People need to understand that fake news is out there and being to always question what they are reading, by looking at the source. The six freedoms in the First Amendment prove that Americans have the right to freedom of speech and press which allows people to post any opinions, ideologies, news, etc. As long as fake news is not harming anyone then it should be allowed to be posted with no censorship due to the First Amendment rights.


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