Thursday, April 8, 2021

The Age of AI

     Living in the Age of AI

                      Watching the video “In the Age of AI” led me to understand just how helpful but dangerous the future of technology can be. I think it is especially important to understand that AI has been beneficial for many reasons such as, making it easier to see cancer cells earlier than a human can and diagnose earlier. Another benefit is that is makes things more efficient and less time consuming. 

In the Age of AI 

    As I continued to watch the video, I got nervous about the talk of loss of jobs and how AI will be able to take many jobs from humans. Being a college student and my goal being to graduate and get a stable job this worried me for the future. AI is cheaper than paying thousands of employees to do a job AI can do in half the cost and half the time.  

    Something that frightened me was the fact that I have given my fingerprint and face ID to Apple and it is now in a big data base that can be easily hacked, and identities stolen. When I learned about the pictures being taken in China while people were J-walking, and they would be publicly shamed and fined it made me uncomfortable and feel as if I would have no privacy if that were to be used in the United States. I think AI is a big privacy risk and if it continues forward it needs to ensure privacy and safety for all users. Also, I think AI should be put to a limit so that many jobs cannot be taken, and privacy is kept.  

National Security and AI

    National security is a noticeably big issue today because of how easily other countries can intervene and take information. It is extremely easy for people high up in the government to take confidential information from social media users and more. Facebook was just recently put under fire for another data breach where people information was all over online. This led to people’s identity's being stolen including their money. 


    AI has become immensely powerful and will continue to shape the future of the world. AI will help make the world more technology advanced in science and hopefully catch illnesses earlier than humans can. We must make sure that AI does not take over our jobs and make people at a disadvantage. 

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       Technology is an amazing way to receive information and learn more about the world   quickly  and   efficiently.  Technology has also...