Monday, April 12, 2021

Does the Media Censor Antiwar Voices?

        The United States today does not view war as it used to. In the past war was looked at as bad, violent, and hateful towards groups. Today the United States wages war across the world every single day and most Americans are not even aware that it is going onI find it remarkably interesting to find out that I never see the strong antiwar opinions and voices on the mainstream media. 

        Antiwar voices are censored in the mainstream media because they do not want to propose an ideology that is so strong and one sided. The media is all about money so the more viewers they get, the more money they will make.  

        Another reason I do not think there is news about antiwar voices because it can cause protests and cause people that do not agree to cause riots. The American Conservative and Antiwar are two websites thar are used to show support of strong voices for Antiwar. Both websites I have never heard of before until learning about then from class. The websites are very interesting, and I think everyone should read them if they have a chance. In my opinion the more perspectives you listen, even if you do not agree with them, the more knowledge you will have.  

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