Tuesday, April 27, 2021

EOTO - What I Learned


     I learned a lot about propaganda in class and by definition it is meant to influence and audience and further an agenda. I learned that they sometime withhold facts just so that their ideology seems more legit than others. In the 20th century propaganda was known as a manipulative approach.  

    Propaganda is especially used today on social media to impose ideas during different election times and major events. Propogandists have goals and they chose facts that will directly intimidate and convince people to think as they do. Propagandists use words, symbols, and facts, to present them in a particular way that will make one think the most. Some propaganda is filled with lies and almost all the information that is put out is not real fact.  


In my opinion propaganda is not a good thing because it divides the country and other countries. People will be fighting about information that is not even true. Propaganda can even cause riots if the wrong information ends up in the wrong hands. An example of propaganda is political signs and commercials are an example of propaganda.  


    It is crazy to think that even presidents use propaganda to move their agenda along. John F Kennedy used propaganda to further encourage the idea that the United States needed to put a man on the moon. I think that propaganda should end because of how much harder it makes people's lives to find real information much harder than it should. Propaganda is becoming more prevalent every day because of people's online presence and companies using click bait to pull in more readers. Overall propaganda is not helpful to any nation and should not be allowed.   


Monday, April 26, 2021

Cord Cutting

    Cord cutting is a problem that is new due to new streaming services created by Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Cord cutting is the practice of ending a cable or satellite service and even opting to get rid of your land line. People have many varied reasons for why they end their monthly payments for cable and satellite. 


    One of the main reasons for people getting rid of their cable and satellite is because they want to save money and pay for less expensive streaming services. Some cable companies do not want to lose customers, so with this they have started their own streaming services known as HBO now, Showtime OTT, CBS All Access. In my opinion this is a smart way for them to create revenue.  


People in today’s generation do not use landlines as much as they once did. Since the invention of the cell phone, almost everyone has gotten one and uses it more than their landlineTherefore, a lot of people have decided to get rid of their landline so they could save money. I know that my family stopped using their landline 2 years ago because we all have iPhone’s and did not have a need for a landline because no one called that line anymore.  

Although, it seems as if cord cutting is saving consumers money, there are some problems with it. Cable and satellite TV are easier to use and offer more programs and options than some streaming services do. Also, most of the steaming services do not offer the streaming of live sports, events, and news.  

    Cord cutting right now is saving people money, but it is predicted that the cost of streaming services will continue to increase. For an example YouTube live has increased from $35 at launch to $50. Another issue with the streaming services is that you cannot skip commercials unless you want to pay even more a month. For Hulu if you want to skip commercial's you must give an extra $6 a month to the companyThe ads are also very repetitive and can get annoying because they are every few minutes. Sometimes the same ads even play back-to-back. 

    To continue, cord cutting skyrocketed when the pandemic hit. More people started using online shopping, multiplatform gaming, and streaming services. By the year 2024 it is predicted that 46.6 million households will no longer pay for cable. That is approximately 1/3 of the United States which is crazy to think about.  

“Consumers are choosing to cut the cord because of high prices, especially compared with streaming alternatives,” said eMarketer forecasting analyst at Insider Intelligence Eric Haggstrom. 


    Having the news and live sports on cable and satellite Tv is what is keeping most people to continue to pay for the service. Yet, slowly streaming services are offering sports and soon everything will be offered on streaming services.  

    Overall cord cutting has many positives and many negatives. If you are looking to cut the cord, I recommend doing a lot of research to see if it is the right fit for you and your family. Cord cutting will continue to expand with the upcoming new streaming services and new generations that will likely want to stream more than pay for cable and satellite. 

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Diffusion of Innovations - Emoticons

 How Emojis Became Popular

    Emojis on mobile phones were invented in the year of 1997 but they were not the first emoticon's just the first on a phone that were picture based. This is the year that people started to begin to be pioneers. The emojis were basic and originated on the Japanese mobile phone. It started to be used more and more by Japanese mobile companies because people felt as if they could express emotions without words.

       After it was spread to the U.S. the years between 1997 and 2010 were filled with early adopters. They started to spread due to the fact increasingly emojis were being created and in the year of 2010, Unicode adopted emojis which allowed for more emojis an example being the cat emoji. Then the early majority starts to use it and it spreads everywhere. This is when it is super popular, and people are telling each other all about emojis and how to use them. This is when the late majority of emojis come in. Since everyone is telling their friends and family about how cool and unique, they are, they hop on the trend late. These people are late majority because they are usually the type of people who are not as into technology as others, so it is not as important to them to hop on current trends. Lastly are the laggard's, these people are the ones who do not use emojis. The reasoning can be different for everyone. One reason could be that their phone is not compatible with emojis. Another reason is that the phone could be too old, or they do not even have a phone.                                                                                                                                         

        Personally, I think emojis are more positive than negative because when words are hard to express one can express themself with an emoji. They are also used for fun and are helpful to use at the end of a text, so people do not perceive ones message the wrong way. This new communication technology will continue to grow with added emojis and when more people upgrade their phones to phones that have emoticon capabilities.  


       Technology is an amazing way to receive information and learn more about the world   quickly  and   efficiently.  Technology has also...