Tuesday, April 27, 2021

EOTO - What I Learned


     I learned a lot about propaganda in class and by definition it is meant to influence and audience and further an agenda. I learned that they sometime withhold facts just so that their ideology seems more legit than others. In the 20th century propaganda was known as a manipulative approach.  

    Propaganda is especially used today on social media to impose ideas during different election times and major events. Propogandists have goals and they chose facts that will directly intimidate and convince people to think as they do. Propagandists use words, symbols, and facts, to present them in a particular way that will make one think the most. Some propaganda is filled with lies and almost all the information that is put out is not real fact.  


In my opinion propaganda is not a good thing because it divides the country and other countries. People will be fighting about information that is not even true. Propaganda can even cause riots if the wrong information ends up in the wrong hands. An example of propaganda is political signs and commercials are an example of propaganda.  


    It is crazy to think that even presidents use propaganda to move their agenda along. John F Kennedy used propaganda to further encourage the idea that the United States needed to put a man on the moon. I think that propaganda should end because of how much harder it makes people's lives to find real information much harder than it should. Propaganda is becoming more prevalent every day because of people's online presence and companies using click bait to pull in more readers. Overall propaganda is not helpful to any nation and should not be allowed.   


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