Monday, May 3, 2021

     Technology is an amazing way to receive information and learn more about the world quickly and efficiently. Technology has also helped produce and increase productivity of most of the industries. Personally, technology has been a big part of my life since I was born because of the generation I grew up in. Technology has had a significant impact on how I learn and find out information including news.  

    My relationship with technology is healthy but can get unhealthy when it comes time to do my work. Due to technology, I have become a procrastinator. I never was a procrastinator in high school but once I got to college and had bigger projects with a longer time period to do them, I started to go on social media to procrastinate my work. This has become an issue because I still always get my work in on time and a good grade, but it stresses me out to wait until last minute.  

    In continuation, technology has been immensely helpful to me when trying to learn new things. I think technology is making me smarter but is also making me more impatient. I do not trust anything I read before fact checking it to ensure I do not produce a false idea. Yet, since I am so used to being able to have an answer to a question in seconds, I become impatient when I cannot get the answer right away. Also, it is easy to fall into the trap of fake news because it is made to look so real and grab readers attention. Technology has made it quite easy to spread news that is not true with no verification before it is posted 

Privacy Issues 

    Something that is a big concern for me is privacy issues. I know that countless times different social medias have been hacked and people's information and identities were stolen. There have been times when people will check their bank account and there is nothing in it. It is left completely drained by someone who got information about them and passwords to hack into different systems. Personally, I have seen a lot of my friends get hacked on Instagram, or people will make accounts of other people pretending to be them. This is very scary and make me be more cautious when deciding on what I should post. When reading the story about the 13-year-old girl being posted online by her mother since she was a young kid and having no idea that caught my attention. It is interesting to me that a mom would be so comfortable posting all her child's information without thinking twice. Privacy is a problem on the internet and Facebook continues to get hacked. In the beginning of April, it had come to many people's attention that half a billion Facebook users could have been hacked, with personal information and phone numbers being stolen. I have learned that even if you are careful with how you use the internet, something bad can happen to you.

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       Technology is an amazing way to receive information and learn more about the world   quickly  and   efficiently.  Technology has also...